What is the average height of American men and women?
The average size of the U.S. is 5 feet 9 inches (175.26 cm) for males as well as 5'4 inches (162.56 cm) for women. Average height of states The tallest men of America typically reside mostly in Alabama and Iowa and the tallest women reside on the other side of South Dakota. The state that has the lowest average height for both genders is Hawaii. What's the distinction? The race of the person is the primary element. Black and white people who are not Hispanic tend to be significantly larger than Asians who are non-Hispanic as well as Hispanic people. California, New York, and Hawaii are the states with the largest Hispanic or non-Hispanic Asian communities. The majority of the population of Alabama is white non-Hispanic and black Are Americans growing taller or shorter? Between 1999 between 1999 and 2016, the mean BMI and weight as well as waist circumference were increased. But the data for average height did not show a significant growth. ...