5 tips on how to grow tall

Do you spend your days and nights wondering how to grow tall? Are you a victim of inferiority complex because of your short stature? Or has your height ever held you back from achieving your dreams? Or have you ever failed a physical exam due to your short height? Is your depression related to your height? If yes, then acknowledge yourself of the tips on how to grow tall.

Tall people, that you see daily and envy, might have once been a victim of short height as well. But they didn’t give up hope and strived for a better height. You can also follow the suit. It’s never too late.
Height can be increased by both natural and unnatural ways. Here are some effective height increase tips of Howtogrowtaller.com

Unnatural ways:

Unnatural ways include surgery and growth hormone pills. You can opt for them after trying the natural ways. Natural ways are always beneficial to the health i.e. they don’t have any side effects and sometimes can work miracles. Pills that are available and are manufactured with chemicals, will make your wallet thinner and may cause a lot of side effects. They never make you taller.


Amongst unnatural ways certain anaerobic and stretching exercises can help your body induce growth hormone. Growth hormone secretion is mainly regulated by the balance between nitric oxide and lactate. Intense exercise for a couple of minutes can build enough lactate that can activate the growth hormone secretion.


Sleeping in the right posture also helps you lengthen your spine and thus contributes to increasing your height. Sleeping on a firm mattress or a hard surface provides right alignment to your spine. Moreover, while sleeping keep your legs and knees raised slightly. Sleep on your back and avoid sleeping on your belly.

It is during deep sleep that growth hormone does its job to thickening and lengthening your bones to make you grow taller. So appropriate sleeping time (not the longer, the better) and correct sleeping posture is very important for you to grow taller.

Sleep is defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost. Hence, that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli.

Eat smarter:

Then a right proper diet is also essential. It’s surprising to know that many people don’t recognize the importance of height in growth. In reality it’s not prudent to think of growth without thinking of health. Poor diet and poor dietary habits have been the main reason behind all the complaint of poor height growth. Eat at least two hours before starting your exercise.

It is a fact that insulin levels are highest right after a big hearty meal. Insulin suppresses HGH release and a big meal takes blood away from your muscles and redirects it to your stomach.

Do No Eat before Going to Bed Body releases a larger amount of growth hormone during the first two hours of sleep and taking a heavy meal right before or sometime before sleeping suppresses the amount of growth hormone released.

Pre-exercise Diet:

Opting for a light diet couple of hours before exercise significantly increases growth hormone release. It’s evident by research that consuming a protein-carbohydrate meal a couple of hours before and after exercise helps increase both testosterone and growth hormone in the bloodstream. 


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