The importance of enough rest

 There are some people who have asked me: “I want to improve my height, I’m doing exercise everyday and I’m on a balanced diet, Is that enough for me to get taller?” The answer is: “That’s good, but not enough”. All the exercises, sports, balanced diet want to work effectively that require you have a good rest, good night’s sleep. Maybe you will ask me: “ Enough rest is so important to grow taller naturally? Why?”. Because sleep is the time when our pituitary gland produces the growth hormone, which help you to increase your height. In addition, when you are sleeping , you can relax the bones, the cartilage, the muscular tissues, and the whole skeleton expands, allowing your body to grow taller. Now, we all know how much sleep’s important to us, then what we really need is how to get a good rest? Let’s follow these tips here:

The quality of sleep: Of course the length of sleep is very important that you must sleep at least 8 hours per day, but you also need to consider the quality of sleep. So it is important to have 8 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep. Avoid staying up till wee hours of the morning, It has bad effects on your health and will stunt your growth. Always get enough deep sleep every night and you will grow taller naturally.

Sleeping environment: Let’s sleep in a quiet, well ventilated room, turn off the ligh, open your windows to have good ventilation. Use green apple, vanilla, or lavender scents to make your room full of fresh smelling, and that will make you have a good sleep.

Sleeping position: When you are sleeping, trying to keep your legs stretched, allowing your spine to expand at maximum, reducing the gravity effects as much as possible, practicing total relaxation through breathing exercises and it will help you to have a good night deep sleep.

Well, this is some tips for you to get a better sleep and grow taller, why don’t you practice it and combined with exercises to grow taller? Follow more effective methods to increase height shared at Howtogrowtaller website:


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