Can An Inversion Machine Really Make You Taller?

 You have no doubt seen the commercials for the inversion machine. You know the one, with the seventy year old man twisting and turning upside down? He insists that the inversion machine has done wonders for his back over the years, correcting his back problems, and making him feel younger, and better. There may be hidden secrets to the inversion machine that are more far reaching than just allowing you to twist upside down. An inversion machine can actually help you to get taller fast.

Being taller is not something that everyone thinks about, but if you are someone who is shorter than average, you may think about it a lot. As humans, we have a tendency to want to be greater than those around us, and within our culture, being taller is seen as being “greater”. Although there are some genetic limitations to the height you can reach, there are many things you can do to override genetics.

We all reach our maximum height a couple years post puberty. Having one last growth spurt, many of us are done growing at a certain point, or are we? Although your bones are done growing, does that necessarily mean that your muscles have stopped elongating? The truth is that you can gain height through the lengthening of the muscles and ligaments that hold your bones together. The way to lengthen them is through good nutrition, good oxygen flow, and using machines such as the inversion machine to stretch the spaces between the vertebrae and ligaments.

Gravity is a nasty necessary evil. Obviously, we need it to live on Earth or we would all be floating away, but it has force that weighs on our bodies on a daily basis. Over the course of many years, that force will start to compress the spine, decreasing the space between the vertebrae. Even before time begins to take its hold, it is natural for the body to compress and shorten the spaces in between the muscles. By counteracting those forces, you can actually grow an inch or two in length.

When you are in an inversion machine, the weight of gravity is reversed, meaning that the force is no longer pulling the muscles together, compressing them. The machine is allowing the weight of your own body to lengthen the ligaments and muscles. It is this counteraction of the natural process of living that will add height to your body. Not only will it keep your back from feeling the effects of compression, it will keep you long and lean.

Everyone who has ever wanted to appear taller knows that it is important to stand up straight and tall to maintain good posture. With the forces of nature beating on your body everyday, however, you may need to recruit the assistance of an inversion machine. Not only will it keep you limber and agile until a ripe old age, it can have you growing taller, instead of shrinking over the years.

Follow more methods to increase height by Joy Bauer, a leading expert in the field of height increase. For more information, visit the Howtogrowtaller website.


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