Height increasing shoes

 Women are lucky when it comes to being a tad short because we can just pop down to the shoe store and purchase some heels that will automatically give us a few additional inches of height, men cannot really do the same thing, well that is they couldn’t until recently. There are a number of things that men can do to become taller but if you want an instant height increase elevator shoes are the way to go. Not only do they add at least 2.75 inches to your height but they are also very fashionable and swish.

Now height increasing shoes (elevator shoes) are available that can instantly give you a height increase without anyone noticing the difference. Height increasing shoes are great because they can give you a height increase of between to 5 inches and are available at specialist shoe stores or online. Height increasing shoes are becoming more popular than the old shoe lifts. Shoe lifts are a padded insert that can be placed inside our shoes to increase your height by about 1.5 inches. 1.5 inches of height increase is not enough anymore however.

Hollywood too takes advantage of height increasing shoes with famous celebrities such as Tom Cruise, Danny DeVito and Mark Wahlberg rumored to wear such shoes too. Prior to now I’m sure you never even thought that Mark Wahlberg was vertically-challenged but stands at only 5’7 so needs a little extra height to stand up to those glamorous leading ladies.

Needing to wear height increasing shoes is nothing to be ashamed of the best elevator shoes to buy are those ones that also have a shoe lift in them too because they will give you extra height without having too much of a heel.

When looking at purchasing height increasing shoes it is important to shop around. To begin with make sure you buy the genuine leather product because there are plenty of height increasing shoes made out of leather – don’t settle for less by buying shoes made out of synthetic fabrics. Look around for the style that you want there are plenty to choose from and you don’t have to settle for the first pair that you see. If you are going to purchase online you will find that there is a lot of competition and many online companies will offer free shipping in the United States and Canada – I urge you to take this option.

Height increasing shoes are not only great because they allow you to appear taller and add a number of inches to your height but if you buy high quality shoes that are light weight you will find out how comfortable they really are. Prices for height increasing shoes range from $59.99 and go on upwards from there well-beyond the $200.00 mark. You can buy height increasing shoes in different height levels, shoes that give you up to 2.75 inches in height, shoes that give you 3.0-3.25 inches and those that give you a height increase of more than 3.5 inches. We recommend that you first try the height increasing shoes that give you an extra 2.75 inch increase and then try the others out – don’t buy the ones that make you super tall straight away.

If you hate being short and want to find a great way of adding some height to our frame try height increasing shoes, you will absolutely love the feeling of being tall. Don't miss other useful height increase tips at website howtogrowtaller.com every day


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