How can I get taller

 How can I get taller? Many people who are shorter than the average often ask this question .

This might be hard for the tall people to understand how painful and inconvenient it is to have short stature. One of the problems is that shorter people might felt a lack of respects when they are in school or at work. This is often embarrassing for guys to talk about it.

Some might argue that Napolean is short as well ,we don’t need to felt inadequate .But remember the fact that in the history of man-kind ,there is only have ONE Napolean .And who knows that how Napolean felt about his short stature? He might have searching of the answer to get taller  as well.

I’ve  read that some news that some people spend huge amount of money to undergo surgery to change their height .Guess what ?They are not all that successful. They ended up….well ,sit on the wheelchair for the rest of their life .So if you want to grow taller , please think twice before you undergo the surgery .Do some research.

Ok. Back to the question: “How can I get taller?”.

Maybe you want to change it to “How can I grow taller naturally?”

One of the interesting phenomenon is that Japanese use to be really short when compared with other Asians. But the Japanese Government find a way to increase their average height .They introduce nutritious breakfast and lunch for their primary school students .And the end results – They’ve made it.

Although I’m not a medical professionals, I’ve found some good advices that would applied to anyone who want to grow taller:

1. Nutritious meals is definitely important if you want to get taller.

You need proper balanced diet that includes protein and calcium-rich food. Eat some fruits and vegetables as well. Don’t expect magic pills. Personally I don’t believe quick fix without side-effects.

2. You might want to look into do some ‘grow taller’ exercises as well.

3. You need to have 8 hours sleep every night. Preferably before 10 o’clock.

4. Adopt a good posture would help you not only look taller but also get taller.

The thing is even if you don’t get taller fast after doing the things that I’ve mentioned .You will still get benefits from it. You will be healthier, look better and taller.


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